Leader of the Pack?

It’s been a bountiful year at the Husky Homestead.

Who can resist a puppy? Not me! I was privileged to cuddle a puppy last March during the pre-Iditarod events in Anchorage, when four-time champion Jeff King brought along an armful of little furballs from his Denali Park kennel, the Husky Homestead. I’m a big fan of dog-mushing and of Jeff King in particular. Jeff and his wife, Donna Gates, hired me to edit their bestselling book, “Cold Hands, Warm Heart,” last year. Then they invited us to join their table at the Musher’s Banquet in Anchorage, held the night before the race start. Traditionally, the Iditarod begins on the first Saturday of each March . . . so that’s March 7 this year.

We loved every minute of it, from sniffing that sweet smell of puppy breath, to losing my own breath watching the mushers leave the starting line in downtown Anchorage. Jump on the Iditarod’s website and follow the mushers yourself. You’ll get hooked in no time. And let me know if you’d like me to visit your favorite school to talk about sled dogs, mushers, winners and losers, and/or any other aspect of writing or editing a book.


The Iditarod Fact Book” (Epicenter Press, 2006; Edited by Tricia Brown)

Sled Dog Wisdom” (Epicenter Press, 2005; Edited by Tricia Brown)

Cold Hands, Warm Hearts” (Husky Homestead Press, 1st edition 2008; by Jeff King and Donna Gates King) Visit www.huskyhomestead.com

Jeff King and Donna Gates with their editor at the 2008 Musher’s Banquet.
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It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . .

Alan Stacy’s wonderful art from The Alaskan Night Before Christmas!

As we enter the Christmas season, we’re getting busier than ever, visiting schools, bookstores, and book fairs in the coming weeks. Check my Calendar to see where we might meet sometime soon.

I just posted some great photos from a school visit to Grant Watts Elementary in Oregon, and more are coming soon as I’m out and about.

In the meantime . . . be good, or at the least, better than Kotzebue the Caribou!

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Hello Santa Claus House!

Santa’s favorite book, he said.

Thanks to all the folks at Santa Claus House in North Pole, Alaska, where we launched The Alaskan Night Before Christmas in late September!

We found Santa engrossed in reading his copy of the book at Santa Claus House, where the motto is: “It’s Christmas every day!” Learn all about their history at their website: www.santaclaushouse.com.

After Santa introduced me, I read to lots of children and their moms, dads, grandmas, and friends. We even had a sled dog visit that day.  Click on my Calendar to see details about upcoming visits to schools, events, and bookstores in Oregon and Alaska!

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A lesson about keeping the spirit of Christmas!

A Brand New Book!

Alaskan Night Before Christmas is a fun story that’s beautifully illustrated by Alan F. Stacy. It’s the tale of Santa’s team of caribou, and one particularly vain and selfish animal at the head of the team. Find out what happens when Santa catches him acting up on Christmas Eve.

I’ll be in Anchorage on Thanksgiving Day and will be visiting the ReadAlaska Book Fair, Barnes & Noble, Title Wave Books, and lots of schools in Anchorage and North Pole during the days that follow. Follow my Calendar to see where I’m reading in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, and come on down . . . We’d love to see you at one of the upcoming events.

Here’s what our early “reviewers” had to say about this fun book with a valuable lesson:

 Alaskan Night Before Christmas is sure to become another classic, gently reminding children and parents alike about keeping the spirit of Christmas year-round, not just when Santa’s watching. Speaking as a mother and an Alaskan, I highly recommend this book.

–Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

I love this story of the time my Kotzebue the Caribou landed on the Naughty List, but not for long! I’m so glad I gave Tricia and Alan those pads of paper, pencils, and art supplies so long ago. The dear children have put them to good use.

–Santa Claus
North Pole, Alaska

Alaskan Night Before Christmas is a delightful twist on Santa & his yearly Christmas journey! Tricia Brown and illustrator Alan F. Stacy take us along to the North Pole for this wintry ride, which is actually led by Alaskan caribou, each one named after a real Alaskan town or village. Along the way, they meet up with Star the reindeer and all learn an important lesson about selfishness a fun and educational story!

–Jack Hanna, Director Emeritus, Columbus Zoo/ host of TV’s “Into the Wild”

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