Here’s your invitation the the Kankakee Public Library’s Author Fair!
What’s up? I’m going to be reading The Itchy Little Musk Ox to fairgoers and their favorite kids. A musk ox craft is going to follow, so all little artists are invited. There’s a full schedule, and I’ll be reading at 10 a.m. Afterward I’ll sign this and other books at my table, so do drop by!
When: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, April 18, 2009 (I’ll be reading and leading the craft from 10-10:30 a.m.)
Where: Kankakee Public Library, 201 E. Merchant Street, Kankakee, Illinois; phone 815-929-4564. The fair will be held in the fourth-floor auditorium. Many authors to meet, and lots of workshops for adults as well as children.

FUN FACTOID: When musk oxen are in danger, the males stand shoulder-to-shoulder, putting the females and young behind them for protection. Learn more about this fascinating Arctic animal during my talk at the Kankakee Public Library’s Author Fair.