In a few short weeks, we’ll be picking up a Cruise America motorhome for another one-way drive up the Alaska Highway, so I can get to work on the next edition of this great companion book. We’ll be taking fresh photos, updating the informative listings, gathering stories from people who’ve traveled the road recently . . . or a long, long time ago.
Watch this site for regular notes from the road as I travel. And share your road stories with me, too. I’d love to hear from you. The next edition will be released in time for planning next summer’s trip.
In the meantime, do pick up a copy of the current edition! It’s a fantastic book for planning ahead, then keeping within reach as you travel. The most important change is this: you now need a passport to cross the U.S.-Canada border.
Watch for updates here.

Kvichak (pronounced quee-jack) traveled like a champ during our last trip. You can read him like a kid: “Are we there yet?” To bring along your pet, you’ll need to obtain a health certificate signed by your veterinarian. They’ll ask for it at the border, coming and going.