I’m so glad to be back in Anchorage, ready to visit schools, libraries, and get involved with big events like Alaska Book Week. It’s coming up the first week of October, when you’ll find Alaskan authors all over the state engaged in booksignings, talks, classroom visits, public presentations, and author fairs. Here’s what my schedule looks like so far:
Saturday, October 3: Reading for early elementary children at Mountain View Library, 120 Bragaw, Anchorage. I’ll be sharing The Itchy Little Musk Ox for the read-to-me kids up to 2nd grade, and then I’ll read Charlie & the Blanket Toss for the children in 2nd-4th grades. Come on in and bring a brother or sister! If you own any of my other children’s books and would like me to sign them, bring them to the library, okay?
Sunday, October 4: Meet me at Barnes & Noble in Midtown Anchorage from 1-4 p.m.! They carry many of my books for children as well as adults. But now that Charlie & the Blanket Toss is an Alaska Battle of the Books selection for Alaskan 2nd-graders, we expect to see a big stack of them on the table. I’d love to see you there.
Saturday, October 10: Come down to the Loussac Library for 1:30 p.m. storytime, where I’ll be sharing a couple of books. Again, if you have a book that I’ve written, bring it to the library and I’d be happy to personalize and sign it for you. I love to meet my young readers.
I’ll update this calendar as other signings/talks shape up. Keep watching! And please, wherever you are in Alaska, join in the fun of Alaska Book Week–I’m betting there’s a special salute to books and Alaskan authors somewhere near you.