And August was busy as well. Attentive listeners filled the auditorium at the Noel Wien Library on August 17. Thanks, everybody, for coming to hear “The Story behind the Story,” about the arduous, yet thrilling journey of researching and writing the Irene book. (About craft, yes, but also about the difficulty of staying on task and ignoring side trails that don’t advance the story. I confess I often fail.) The line of book-buyers was long, and it was so gratifying to meet each person and hear their special memories. Also in August, I read The Itchy Little Musk Ox at the University of Alaska’s Large Animal Research Station (LARS) and stopped by Forget-Me-Not Books in Fairbanks for another signing.
Now I’m ready for my trip to Southeast Alaska, where I’ll present The Queen of Fairbanks to audiences at both the Ketchikan Public Library and the Juneau Public Library. A shout out to the community bookstores in each city for book sales support. If you get the chance, visit Hearthside Books & Toys in Juneau, or Parnassus Books in Ketchikan, Alaska. Both are favorite local, independent stores. Well-loved.
Here’s the rundown:
Thursday, Sept. 5, 6:00 p.m., Ketchikan Public Library. I’ll sign copies of the Irene Sherman biography afterward, along with a selection of my children’s books.
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Juneau Public Library, Mendenhall Valley location. Signing to follow my talk and PowerPoint presentation.
Also, stay tuned for news of a special event at the Wasilla Public Library during the first week of October for Alaska Book Week. More to come!
For now, you may ask, where can I buy a copy of The Queen of Fairbanks? Here’s a helpful list of locations:
Ketchikan: Parnassus Books, 105 Stedman; (907) 225-7690; call to order The Queen of Fairbanks; my other titles are on their website at
Juneau: Hearthside Books & Toys, 8745 Glacier Hwy #245; (907) 789-2750;
Fairbanks: Fairbanks Community Museum; check out the Museum in the Co-Op Plaza on 2nd; Irene has her own display there. 535 2nd Ave., upstairs; (907) 457-3669
Pioneer Museum; visit the Museum inside Pioneer Park on Airport Way; and explore their amazing collections from early life in Alaska.

Photo (c) Tricia Brown
Great Alaskan Bowl Company (907) 474-9663, or visit Search for “Queen of Fairbanks” on their website; they ship!
Anchorage: Title Wave Books – 888-598-9283; 1360 W. Northern Lights (They ship!)
Also, on loan from your library!
Let’s not forget our dedicated libraries–Anchorage Public Libraries locations, the Wasilla Public Library, and Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Libraries all have copies in their stacks.
Find “The Queen of Fairbanks” on Facebook and follow me, please! I’ll be posting updates and news there as well.