Ready to Visit YOUR School or Library
This summer, I’ve been busy working on some book editing projects for a couple of publishers, but I’m also working on new books for coming seasons.
I’m excited about three fresh-off-the-presses books to share, and I’d love to visit your favorite bookstore, school, or library for a reading or signing. I have multi-media presentations for each of these books:
The World-Famous Alaska Highway: A Guide to the ALCAN and Other Wilderness Roads of the North (Fulcrum Publishing, 2011). For those of you who are planning a trip up the Alaska Highway this summer, it’s not too late to pick up the 4th edition. And now is the time to begin your planning for a trip in 2012.
Patsy Ann of Alaska: The True Story of a Dog (Sasquatch Books, 2011). This is a fun read-to-me book for pre-K to 2nd- or 3rd-graders. It’s a wonderful tale of a dog that belonged to a whole community in Depression-era Juneau.
Musher’s Night Before Christmas (Pelican Publishing, 2011). I’m setting up Fall visits now all over the country for this new version of an old classic.
So drop me a line and let me know when you’d like me to come. Things are shaping up now for September through December!