Holiday Book-Signings to Note!

As the year-end approaches, it seems I’m busier than ever, and not just with shopping. But that’s a good thing. The Queen of Fairbanks has entered its second printing and I’ve been invited to visit and sign at a number of outlets in the coming weeks. Please check your calendar and see if you can make it to one of these:

Friday and Saturday, Nov. 29-30    The 2024 Holiday Bazaar at the Hotel Captain Cook, at 939 W. Fifth Ave., Anchorage; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days. Their elegant ground-floor ballroom is beautifully decorated and will be filled with vendors. No charge to get in, and you can get a serious start on your shopping. My tables will be weighty with books including a soft cover reprint of Alaskan Night Before Christmas, beautifully illustrated by Alan Stacy.

Friday, Dec. 6     Off to Juneau for Hearthside Books and Toys’ First Friday event, the Gallery Walk, at their downtown location, from 4:30 to 8 p.m. This event is at 2 Marine Way, Suite 119B in the Historic Merchants Wharf. They’ll have a wide selection of my books, and I’ll be joined by two colleagues, notable Alaskan authors Joel Bennett and Marion Elliott.

Sunday, Dec. 8      I’m happy to be back at Title Wave Books, 1360 W. Northern Lights in Anchorage to sign The Queen of Fairbanks and many other titles. See I’m in the house from noon to 3 p.m.; bring your children for my reading of a favorite, Bobbie the Wonder Dog! 2024 is the hundredth anniversary of Bobbie’s famous walk across the country, nearly 3,000 miles from Wolcott, Indiana, to Silverton, Oregon. Unbelievable! (I’ve been invited to visit Wolcott, Indiana, next spring for Bobbie presentations to the locals, students and adults alike. I can’t wait!)

Saturday, Dec. 14      I’m proud to support this Barnes & Noble Book Fair to benefit Gladys Wood Elementary in Anchorage. I’ve made more than one author visit to Gladys Wood over the years, and I love the students and their smart, creative teachers…and librarian! I’m told the first-graders will have a special program at 10 a.m., so I’m geared up to get there early. I’ll be reading Bobbie the Wonder Dog in their children’s area at 11 a.m. I’d love to sign stacks of my books for their fundraiser, including my newest for adults, The Queen of Fairbanks. Please drop by 200 E. Northern Lights to join all the fun that teachers and parents have planned.

Christmas and Hanukkah fall on the same day this year, with Kwanzaa is just two days later. ‘Tis the season! Whatever your holiday tradition, enjoy it fully with your families and friends.

I know I will.

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