Back in Alaska!

I’m back home from vacation and eager to meet readers at this popular independent bookstore in Palmer, Alaska. Thanks for the invitation, Fireside! We certainly plan to see you Mat-Su Valley readers there–but even if you’re further south, just get in the car and drive. It’s going to be a beautiful day.

Can you believe it? Half of March has disappeared! The good news is, I have indelible memories of a lengthy road trip across the Lower 48 this winter. We traveled thousands of miles by RV along the Oregon coast, then down the California coast, and then we shot east across AZ and NM before landing for a couple of weeks in Texas, visiting friends and family all along the way. Were we warm? NOOO! The Polar Vortex dipped into the south to touch us in Texas. So unfair. The idea was to escape the cold. There were few moments of warmth as we drove the Minnie Winnie north through Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, and into Indiana for more lovely times with family. Finally, we parked our trusty RV in Illinois and jumped on a plane out of O’Hare. I swear I had sea legs after all those weeks in motion. Back to good ol’ Anchorage.

Now I’m so looking forward to the March 29 signing, and more scheduled for April and May. I’ll keep you posted here and on Facebook. Come by. I love visiting with readers.

And now for some (hopefully) not too boring vacation pics!

At left, Perry and I pose at the capitol in “sunny” Sacramento, Calif.; below left: A Minnie among the giant redwoods; below center: A pause in our below-ground hike while exploring the Caverns of Sonora in Texas; and below right: Leaving the RV with family in Illinois before flying home. Thanks, Mark and Michele!!

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Feedback So Sweet

I was warmed today to learn that David James’s review of The Queen of Fairbanks appeared in both the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and the Anchorage Daily News. You can download the below clipping and enlarge for reading. Thank you, David!

Folks have been reaching out and asking where to get a copy. I’ve included retail outlets in previous blogs (scroll down), and now Barnes & Noble in both Fairbanks and Anchorage are carrying the title, too. If you’re reading this from outside of Alaska, please encourage your local library or bookstore to purchase copies through They probably have an Ingram account already.

In spring 1970, Irene determined to clean all the debris from the street in front of her home place. (Photo courtesy News-Miner Archives)

In 1970, Irene determined to clear all the debris along her street during spring clean-up. (Courtesy Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Archives)

My talk titled “The Story Behind The Queen of Fairbanks” appears in the Spring catalog for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at University of Alaska Fairbanks. If you’re 50-plus years old and want to join some creative classes that are available in person or via distance learning, you must register online between Jan. 13 to Jan. 21. Mine is an in-person class about the terrible, wonderful, winding road to publishing and is scheduled for April 9, from 2-3:15 p.m. at Raven Landing, 1222 Cowles St., Fairbanks. For an extra $5 at Raven Landing, audience members can enjoy a cup of soup and bread during the presentation. If you want a spot, register before January 21! View the catalog and registration steps at

Still ahead in May, I’m leaving Alaska for Wolcott, Indiana, which is highlighted in the story of Bobbie the Wonder Dog as the place where poor Bobbie was run off by a pack of local dogs in August 1923, separating him from his family during a vacation. It was from Wolcott that Bobbie began his nearly 3,000-mile-long solo walk across the country to reach home in Silverton, Oregon, landing him a spot in history and in Ripley’s “Believe It or Not!” I’ve been invited to come and share his story, and my other children’s books, with the district’s students.

Finally, I’m a member of the Irene Sherman Project, a committee dedicated to raising funds for a statue of Irene by sculptor Gary Lee Price of Utah. We have our eyes on a high-traffic site in downtown Fairbanks, and Gary has created a rough draft of Irene in clay. But we need your financial support! If you are willing to join the many people and businesses who are backing the statue of the Queen, please visit the website by clicking HERE, and scroll down to the “Donate Now” button. View the list of dozens who have joined this campaign. Every donation matters. And thank you!

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Holiday Book-Signings to Note!

As the year-end approaches, it seems I’m busier than ever, and not just with shopping. But that’s a good thing. The Queen of Fairbanks has entered its second printing and I’ve been invited to visit and sign at a number of outlets in the coming weeks. Please check your calendar and see if you can make it to one of these:

Friday and Saturday, Nov. 29-30    The 2024 Holiday Bazaar at the Hotel Captain Cook, at 939 W. Fifth Ave., Anchorage; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days. Their elegant ground-floor ballroom is beautifully decorated and will be filled with vendors. No charge to get in, and you can get a serious start on your shopping. My tables will be weighty with books including a soft cover reprint of Alaskan Night Before Christmas, beautifully illustrated by Alan Stacy.

Friday, Dec. 6     Off to Juneau for Hearthside Books and Toys’ First Friday event, the Gallery Walk, at their downtown location, from 4:30 to 8 p.m. This event is at 2 Marine Way, Suite 119B in the Historic Merchants Wharf. They’ll have a wide selection of my books, and I’ll be joined by two colleagues, notable Alaskan authors Joel Bennett and Marion Elliott.

Sunday, Dec. 8      I’m happy to be back at Title Wave Books, 1360 W. Northern Lights in Anchorage to sign The Queen of Fairbanks and many other titles. See I’m in the house from noon to 3 p.m.; bring your children for my reading of a favorite, Bobbie the Wonder Dog! 2024 is the hundredth anniversary of Bobbie’s famous walk across the country, nearly 3,000 miles from Wolcott, Indiana, to Silverton, Oregon. Unbelievable! (I’ve been invited to visit Wolcott, Indiana, next spring for Bobbie presentations to the locals, students and adults alike. I can’t wait!)

Saturday, Dec. 14      I’m proud to support this Barnes & Noble Book Fair to benefit Gladys Wood Elementary in Anchorage. I’ve made more than one author visit to Gladys Wood over the years, and I love the students and their smart, creative teachers…and librarian! I’m told the first-graders will have a special program at 10 a.m., so I’m geared up to get there early. I’ll be reading Bobbie the Wonder Dog in their children’s area at 11 a.m. I’d love to sign stacks of my books for their fundraiser, including my newest for adults, The Queen of Fairbanks. Please drop by 200 E. Northern Lights to join all the fun that teachers and parents have planned.

Christmas and Hanukkah fall on the same day this year, with Kwanzaa is just two days later. ‘Tis the season! Whatever your holiday tradition, enjoy it fully with your families and friends.

I know I will.

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September is Jumpin’!

And August was busy as well. Attentive listeners filled the auditorium at the Noel Wien Library on August 17. Thanks, everybody, for coming to hear “The Story behind the Story,” about the arduous, yet thrilling journey of researching and writing the Irene book. (About craft, yes, but also about the difficulty of staying on task and ignoring side trails that don’t advance the story. I confess I often fail.) The line of book-buyers was long, and it was so gratifying to meet each person and hear their special memories. Also in August, I read The Itchy Little Musk Ox at the University of Alaska’s Large Animal Research Station (LARS) and stopped by Forget-Me-Not Books in Fairbanks for another signing.

Now I’m ready for my trip to Southeast Alaska, where I’ll present The Queen of Fairbanks to audiences at both the Ketchikan Public Library and the Juneau Public Library. A shout out to the community bookstores in each city for book sales support. If you get the chance, visit Hearthside Books & Toys in Juneau, or Parnassus Books in Ketchikan, Alaska. Both are favorite local, independent stores. Well-loved.

Here’s the rundown:
Thursday, Sept. 5, 6:00 p.m., Ketchikan Public Library. I’ll sign copies of the Irene Sherman biography afterward, along with a selection of my children’s books.
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Juneau Public Library, Mendenhall Valley location. Signing to follow my talk and PowerPoint presentation.

Also, stay tuned for news of a special event at the Wasilla Public Library during the first week of October for Alaska Book Week. More to come!

For now, you may ask, where can I buy a copy of The Queen of Fairbanks? Here’s a helpful list of locations:

Ketchikan: Parnassus Books, 105 Stedman; (907) 225-7690; call to order The Queen of Fairbanks; my other titles are on their website at
Juneau: Hearthside Books & Toys, 8745 Glacier Hwy #245; (907) 789-2750;
Fairbanks: Fairbanks Community Museum; check out the Museum in the Co-Op Plaza on 2nd; Irene has her own display there. 535 2nd Ave., upstairs; (907) 457-3669
Pioneer Museum; visit the Museum inside Pioneer Park on Airport Way; and explore their amazing collections from early life in Alaska.

Beautiful Broad Pass, Alaska. Since May, I’ve been driving 800 miles on monthly roundtrips for my jaunts to Fairbanks. So worth it with views like this!
Photo (c) Tricia Brown

Great Alaskan Bowl Company (907) 474-9663, or visit Search for “Queen of Fairbanks” on their website; they ship!
Anchorage: Title Wave Books – 888-598-9283; 1360 W. Northern Lights (They ship!)

Also, on loan from your library!
Let’s not forget our dedicated libraries–Anchorage Public Libraries locations, the Wasilla Public Library, and Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Libraries all have copies in their stacks.

Find “The Queen of Fairbanks” on Facebook and follow me, please! I’ll be posting updates and news there as well.

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July Book-Signings to Note

The Queen of Fairbanks is in demand! Thank you for all the kind words you’ve sent my way. I’m so touched by your stories. Look for me in the coming months as I’m traveling the state to present about Irene Sherman, meet readers, answer questions, and sign books, the newest one as well as the old favorites. For July, here’s my signing schedule:

Sat., July 13 – Title Wave Books, 1360 W. Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage. I’ll be signing from noon to 3 p.m., but if you miss it, I’ll leave signed copies behind. Plus you can order from anywhere and have your book(s) mailed. Just call their toll-free number: 888-598-9283.

Thurs., July 18 – University of Alaska Museum of the North; I’ll be set up in the lobby and signing books from 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. I’ll also have many of my children’s books along, if you want those signed and personalized. (Bring them from your home library, too–I’d be happy to sign them.)

Fri., July 19 – Pioneer Museum, inside Pioneer Park. Come over between 10 a.m. and 11:30! That’s also Campus Day during the UAF Nanook Rendezvous, so afterward I’ll be signing in the Usibelli Atrium on campus from 1 – 2:30 p.m. I’ll bring The Queen of the Fairbanks plus the children’s books and The Alaska Homesteader’s Handbook, another adult nonfiction favorite.

Sat., July 20 – The Big Day for Golden Days fans. Irene Sherman was a staple in the Golden Days Grande Parade. I’ll have my annual Tricia Brown Books booth set up in the Street Fair in Golden Heart Plaza along the Chena, along with many other businesses and organizations. Come and browse! I’m can usually be found alongside the Unknown First Family statue in the plaza. We’re there all day, so before or after the Rubber Duckie Race, come and find me!

Meantime, you can find The Queen of the Fairbanks at these locations (any of my other books can be found at your local bookstores or favorite online bookseller):

FAIRBANKS: Fairbanks Community/Dog-Mushing Museum, 2nd Avenue (upstairs in the Co-Op Plaza); Pioneer Museum, inside Pioneer Park; The Great Alaskan Bowl Company, 4630 Old Airport Rd.; with more to come! (I’ll be back in August to sign at Forget-Me-Not Books, benefitting the Alaska Literacy Council; also presenting at the Noel Wien Library from 1-2:30 p.m. on Aug. 17, so pencil me in!)

ANCHORAGE: Title Wave Books, 1360 W. Northern Lights. Readers anywhere can fulfill Irene book orders from Title Wave by mail. Call 888-598-9283. For single-copy sales, you can write the publisher at [email protected]. $22.95 per book plus $4.50 postage.

KETCHIKAN: Thank you, Parnassus Books, for ordering a supply of books! They’re in stock and on display now at 105 Stedman St. (In mid-September, I’ll be visiting both Ketchikan and Juneau for library presentations supported by the local bookstores. More details to come.)

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A Parade for Bobbie the Wonder Dog

The little town of Silverton, Oregon, celebrates the memory of Bobbie the Wonder Dog every year with its annual Pet Parade, sponsored by the local Kiwanis Club. And this year, on May 18, the parade had special significance: the 100th anniversary of the year that Bobbie walked from Indiana to Silverton alone, crossing the Rockies in the dead of winter and appearing, frail and weak, on the main street of town six months to the day after he went missing in Indiana. Newspapers called him the “Love Dog” for his single-mindedness to walk nearly 2,800 miles back to his people. What a reunion that was! You can read his “Believe It or Not!” true story in my book, Bobbie the Wonder Dog.

Bobbie had already passed away in 1932, when the very first Pet Parade took place, led by Bobbie’s son, Pal. Since then, every year local children have decorated wagons and bikes and worn costumes as they carried hamsters and guinea pigs, rode their horses, or walked alongside dogs, goats, alpacas, and pigs. The pet pride is evident on their faces. And, of course, every year, you can see one or two Bobbie lookalikes in the parade.

This year, I received a note from Gail Diedrichsen, a Bobbie fan who volunteers for a collie rescue organization in the Midwest. She also helps with its newsletter, The Collie Nose. Gail traveled all the way to Silverton for the anniversary parade. She wanted to make it the best parade ever for some of those kids and their pets, donating four copies of my book, plus a trophy and ribbon, as prizes. Gail herself even dressed like Bobbie and was photographed with a couple of Bobbie lookalikes. She inspired me to look into another trip to Silverton. I’m ready to see that wonderful little town again. Maybe for February 18, the day Bobbie came home.

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Signing Time!

After several years of researching, writing, and editing, I’m excited to announce the birth of my latest book: The Queen of Fairbanks: Extraordinary Family Secrets & Untold Stories of America’s Farthest North Bag Lady.

Irene, 1966 (NewsMiner Archives)

Irene Sherman was well known in Fairbanks, especially if you lived there in the last half of the twentieth century. She was brash and loud, and walked or biked her three-wheeler as she greeted friends, new and old. Wearing layers of old clothes, usually topped with a parka, even in the summer’s heat, Irene was a sight. Further, it was clear that she’d been badly burned at some point. Scars covered her face and hands, the only visible parts of her body. Overs the years, many had repeated rumors of how she was scarred, why she was so forcefully friendly, and where she went at the end of each day. In 1988, I followed Irene as a freelance journalist and with Anchorage Daily News photographer Erik Hill, found answers and dissolved rumors. The resulting magazine piece appeared in both the Fairbanks and Anchorage Sunday magazines. Thirty years later, Irene and her history barged into my life again when a long-lost relative of hers emailed me out of the blue. What she had to say, what I was to learn, engrossed me for the next several years. And now it is a tangible book holding part-memoir, part-mystery, part-history, and lots of biography. In short it is the story of a community that loved and watched over this woman in the margins. She is still fondly remembered by most who shared the town she loved.

The book launch is scheduled for Saturday, May 25, 2024, from noon to 5 p.m. at the Fairbanks Community/Dog-Mushing Museum in downtown Fairbanks. The museum can be found inside the Co-Op Plaza at 535 Second Avenue. Our host will be offering snacks and drinks, and lots of conversation as I sign books and hear even more stories about Irene.

I’m bringing along a selection of my other books as well and can take all forms of payment. I hope you’ll come by!

ISBN 978-0-9657676-1-3; 6″x 9″, 304 pp, 93 b/w photos; 3 maps

Other appearances:

Sun., May 26 Pioneer Museum, 9 a.m.-noon, Pioneer Park, 2300 Airport Way, Fairbanks

Thurs., June 6 Title Wave Books, noon-3 p.m., 1360 W. Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage

Sat., June 8 Forget-Me-Not Books, noon-3 p.m., 517 Gaffney Rd., Fairbanks

Pioneer Museum, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Pioneer Park, Fairbanks

Thurs., July 18 University of Alaska Museum of the North lobby, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., on

the UAF Campus, 1962 Yukon Drive, Fairbanks

Fri., July 19 University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus Day festivities; call UAF Alumni

Relations for signing location: (907) 474-7081, or text (907) 891-8162

Sat., July 20 GOLDEN DAYS STREET FAIR! I’ll be set up in my usual booth space next to the First Family statue in Golden Heart Plaza on First Avenue by the Chena River. It’s an all-day affair, and I’ll have plenty of Irene Sherman books as well as many more of your favorite titles. Watch for my banner advertising “The Queen of Fairbanks.” We’re looking forward to the day.

Sat., Aug. 17 Noel Wien Library Auditorium, 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., 1215 Cowles Street, Fairbanks. (907) 459-1020. In my talk and PowerPoint presentation, I’ll give a behind-the-scenes look at researching and writing “The Queen of Fairbanks.” I’ll share Irene Sherman’s story as well as my work methods, and the many surprises I encountered while looking into her lifeline. A book-signing will follow.

Other signings in Anchorage are in the works now. Also, I expect to visit Juneau and Ketchikan for a similar presentation at their public libraries in early fall. I hope to visit a few schools with my children’s books while I’m traveling through Southeast.

Will keep you posted asap!

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Writers and Illustrators, You’re Invited!

If you’re looking to break into children’s books, or just need a word of encouragement on your path to publishing, you’re invited to a special event hosted by the Interior chapter of the Alaska Writers Guild.

I’ll be joining a panel of Alaskan picture book authors and illustrators on Mon., April 22. We’ll discuss writing, illustration, publishing and self-publishing and take your questions.

Other panelists include author/publisher/illustrator Juliana Miller and author/illustrator Beth Peluso-Grassi. Hope to see you there!

When: Monday, April 22 | 7-8 pm

Where: The Bear Gallery in Pioneer Park | Fairbanks 

Cost: Free and open to the public

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April 2024 Happenings

The Queen of Fairbanks is heading to the printer this week, and I’m ready to see it fly. It’s not too different from the Empty-Nester feeling. I’ve devoted so many years to researching and writing this book that I just can’t wait for the launch. Books will be arriving in Fairbanks in mid-May and I’m now arranging book-signings for the end of May. Watch for updated news on that. And if you want to be part of the Irene Sherman statue project, which is dedicated to having a statue of Irene installed in a prominent downtown Fairbanks location, please visit

But before I project into May, let’s talk about April. I’ll be visiting Fairbanks later this month for a couple of engagements, and you’re invited!

On Monday, April 22, from 7-8:30 p.m., I’ll join a panel of children’s book writers for a session presented by the Alaska Writers Guild. Come to the Bear Gallery, on the third floor of the Alaska Centennial Center in Pioneer Park. Panelists will discuss their writing journey, from breaking in, to conjuring ideas and looking for publishers. Life after publishing is important, too, because so many authors feel stymied by marketing and selling their works. I find it invigorating, and being a part of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators helps in every way possible. The Alaska chapter is active, so please, if you’re leaning into writing or illustrating children’s books, look us up on, and click on “Alaska.”

Now, on Tuesday, April 23, I’m excited about presenting to the Fairbanks Genealogical Society’s monthly meeting at the Alaska Mining Hall of Fame, 406 S. Cushman. Their group opens at 6 p.m., and my talk about the mysterious life of Irene Sherman—and something of her intriguing genealogy—begins at 7 p.m. If you have questions, write [email protected].

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Patsy Ann of Alaska is back!

I’m so glad to welcome the return of a favorite children’s book that’s been unavailable for a while. Epicenter Press of Seattle has picked up this gem, and its new book birthday is January 9, 2024. I hope you’ll read this true story of a purebred English bull terrier that was born in Portland, Oregon, back in 1929. Purchased by Juneau’s resident dentist for his twin daughters, the puppy came to Juneau on a steamship. The twins named their “baby” Patsy Ann, and they were confused when she didn’t come when called. Turns out, Patsy Ann was deaf from birth. But that didn’t slow her down one bit.

Patsy Ann was a wanderer—she refused to stay with that family or any other. She repeatedly ran away from anyone who tried to put a collar on her. When Patsy Ann discovered the hustle-bustle of the waterfront, along with the infinite possibilities of excellent snacks offered by dockworkers and tourists alike, she made the docks her new favorite place.

For the entire decade of the 1930s, this increasingly chubby friend greeted every ship that came into port, and became famous as postcards of the famous dog traveled the world. In fact, the mayor would finally name her “Official Boat Greeter of Juneau.”

Today a bronze statue of Patsy Ann still greets incoming ships on the old wharf where the living dog was so popular. And she stars in many vacation photos. Of course, even today there’s no collar on her neck—but there IS one lying across her paw in bronze. She still holds a place in the memories and hearts of Juneau and those who visit Alaska’s capitol even today.

Get your copy anywhere you buy books. Ask for it by title, by my name, or reference the ISBN number, which is 978-1-68492-208-6.

I guarantee you’ll fall in love with this scrappy little girl!

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